Science Links
Michelle Mosser, WritersNet, Internet, Concepts
The Science Page
The Children's Literature Web Guide by David K. Brown. This is a great place for teachers, librarians and parents looking for kidlit.
Organizations and resources of interest to Canadian Writers and Students.
Children's writers and illustrators of BC
The place for people who want to become writers or are already published authors.
Books, and other products for children, lesson plans for teachers, tips for parents.
Kids Directory.
Cool Links
Help with your homework
don't go here on a full stomach
learn about inventors and inventions
link to science museums
see how science relates to everyday life
Madame Pele would approve
it looks better than mine because he has a team of people who do this for a living
I open up my mail each day with a message on science from this site. Great links, too!
endangered species site
endangered species site